I literally cannot stand going to a beauty store to inquire about highlighters. It doesn't matter the location or the ethnicity of the representative, as a chocolate girl, they will usher you towards the “gold toned” highlighters. One particular experience comes to mind as I was writing. I went into a makeup store, and asked a friendly rep to help me pick out a highlighter. I remember specifically telling her...upfront...that my undertones are ALREADY golden/yellow so gold tones will make me look ashy. She insisted that they would be perfect because they “compliment” my skin tone. So I said “ok, cool. Let’s try.” Now, I said that already knowing the shit won’t work cause, “hellur” I’ve tried a gazillion times already, but I decided to humor her. Sure enough, 3 highlighters deep, she relents. I wanted to try a more silver toned highlighter but she assured me that it would look “ashy.” (I whispered “fuck you” to her in my head). Eventually I settled on a becca highlighter that I use and love. The color has a rose gold finish to it and it shows up beautifully on my skin. But it made me feel like WHY? WHY can’t I use white highlighter?! I slid my way on over to Instagram to see what I could see with my good eye. I tried my best to find a picture of a brown to deep toned woman using a silver/white shade for a highlighter. I came up with bare bones.
I think the beauty industry may have relegated us to land of gold and bronze. I’m not going to hate on that because chocolate girls do tend to wear a mean Gold Deposit by Mac. But there has to be more out there. There has to be more to this highlighting game. By spite i decided to purchase Soft and Gentle Skinfinish from Mac. I'm not going to lie. I didnt try it out in the store prior to purchasing. How did I do?